- birostrate
- = birostratedимеющий два клювовидных придатка* * *имеющий два клювовидных придатка
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
birostrate — /bī rosˈtrāt/ adjective Double beaked ORIGIN: L bi twice, and rōstrātus beaked, from rōstrum a beak * * * birostrate, ated, a. (baɪˈrɒstreɪt, ɪd) [f. bi prefix2 1 + rostrate, ad. L. rostrātus, f. rostrum beak.] Two beaked; having a double beak or … Useful english dictionary
Birostrate — Bi*ros trate, Birostrated Bi*ros tra*ted, a. [Pref. bi + rostrate.] Having a double beak, or two processes resembling beaks. [1913 Webster] The capsule is bilocular and birostrated. Ed. Encyc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
birostrate — adj. [L. bis, two; rostrum, beak] Having two beak like processes … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
birostrate — adjective Having two beaks (or beak like structures) … Wiktionary
Birostrated — Birostrate Bi*ros trate, Birostrated Bi*ros tra*ted, a. [Pref. bi + rostrate.] Having a double beak, or two processes resembling beaks. [1913 Webster] The capsule is bilocular and birostrated. Ed. Encyc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English